All the facts of this case are not known. What is known is that these children were homeschooled by the mother, before the father, admittedly had an affair. Now I don’t know a lot about the intricacies of the court system, but I do know that courts generally side with the mother in domestic disputes, especially ones which are brought on by an affair by the husband. The children were thriving in the home school setting, achieving marks on their tests two years above their grade levels. This judge is ordering these children, against the will of the lady who has coached them to unusually high levels of achievement in academics, into the North Carolina public school system, one of the worst in the country. The judge and the father say that this will challenge what they are taught at home (Christianity) and that they will be able to make their own decision, but in reality the only thing that this will challenge is their learning. Despite all the negatives this cheating “husband” says about his former wife, the fact that her homeschooling is exceptional is undeniable. This is just a case of the court system meddling in peoples lives, forcing their love for public schooling, no matter how inferior to other options, onto the general public. The judge said the decision had nothing to do with her religious beliefs, yet the husband’s lawyer had former members of the church testify against the church and its leaders, describing it as a cult as just one example. Whether or not this church is a cult, which from my brief research on it it doesn’t appear to be, the fact of the matter is that the court system is vastly overstepping its boundaries. The children will be exposed to the beliefs of the mother whether it is through their schooling or through their time spent with her at home. Forcing them to go to public school will simply decrease the quality of their education greatly.
The government should not force their views on education onto these children. Government officials stress the importance of [government controlled (public)] education, but if this is the best option, then they are admitting that nearly half of the students should not graduate from high school, and a large portion of those who do should be solidly below their grade level. This is another example of government rewarding incompetence and failure.
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